Save Mapi.Message as MSG file




This is the first time I've posted something on here.

I've looked around the web for hours and failed miserably. Hopefully
someone out there would be able to help.

I'm trying to save an MApi.Message object (which represents an
to my hard drive or a network drive as an MSG File but I'm getting
nowhere. I know I
can use Redemption to do this but I'm trying to avoid 3rd party
products (especially ones I have to pay for)

Here's my code (converted from VB.NET)


MAPI.Session oSession = new MAPI.Session();
MAPI.Folder oFolder;
MAPI.Messages oMessages;
MAPI.Message oMessage;
string strEmailAccount = "Exchange_Email_Account";
string strExchangeServerName = "exchange04";

object profile = null;
string strProfile = strExchangeServerName + Constants.vbLf +

oSession.Logon("", , , false, , true, strProfile);

// Get Inbox.
oFolder = oSession.Inbox;

// Get Messages collection.
oMessages = oFolder.Messages;

// Get the second email
oMessage = oMessages.Item(2);


Hi Nabil, there is not reason to use Redemption (unless your customers
hates the Outlook security msgboxes ;-))

This code did the trick in my outlook add-in

dim objMailItem as Outlook.mailitem
objMailItem.SaveAs (FileName)

You should have a look at

Best regards



Thanks kasper. This code is to run on a server which doesn't have
Outlook installed. instead I only have Microsoft Messaging API and
Collaboration Data Objects on there!

More specifically, it will run as a Windows Service (Previously NT
Service) so any security message will cause an error anyway!

Thanks for your help anyway!


Thanks kasper. This code is to run on a server which doesn't have
Outlook installed. instead I only have Microsoft Messaging API and
Collaboration Data Objects on there!

More specifically, it will run as a Windows Service (Previously NT
Service) so any security message will cause an error anyway!

Thanks for your help anyway!

AFAIK, you can only get .MSG files using Outlook, or Redemption.

Tom Delany

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