Save creating enormous temp files



I am hitting a problem that I think is in the vba. When I save a file
excel goes into some loop and creates enormous temp files. These
files continue to grow until the disk runs out of space. Excel in
this condition is totally non-responsive and as disk IO is going crazy
you cannot work out what the computer is doing either. Looking at the
call stack it seems to be in the VBA6 dll somewhere.

I was wondering if anyone had come across this before. What the
resolution they came to was? Or if anyone might have any idea what
might be causing this as I am stumped




1) When you open a workbook Does the Pop - up come up asking to enable
macros? Disable macros and then close workbook and see if same thing occurs.

You may also want to check that the sec urity level is set to medium (not
low) so the pop up menu will show up.

the test above will tell you if there is a macro running that is causing the

2) Is the problem only happening on one computer? You may havve a virus or
spy ware running on you PC. Go to Task manager and check the processes that
are running and compare with a PC that doesn't have the problem. try
deleting the processes that aren't on the good PC until you find the process
that is causing the problem. Then do a seartch on the web for the process
name that is causing the problem. You may find a solution to the problem on
the Web using the process name.

Tom Med

I think it is due to a macro, but it does not happen in a reproducible
fashion. There are a series of macro's that I have created that
export all the modules to bas files. (This is so they can be source
controlled for differences.) As this autoexport work fine almost all
of the time I think it must be some VBA race condition. I don't know
the internals of how excel save works but I think the overloading of
the App_WorkbookBeforeClose and App_WorkbookBeforeSave methods might
be causing this problem. But does anyone know why?
I can provide the methods if needed.


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