Save as web page w/animations



I know it's possible to publish to a web page and keep animations, but they
look like absolute garbage in the browser. What am I missing? How can I make
the animations look better?

Glen Millar

Hi CDWils,

Bad news, I'm afraid. The html animations do (and will) look like rubbish.
PowerPoint uses your computer, and hardware acceleration, if your computer
supports it properly, to throw animated objects at the screen. Html is a
poor cousin that uses html and vector language to try and simulate what
PowerPoint can really do.

Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP

Tutorials and PowerPoint animations at
the original
glen at pptworkbench dot com

See you at PowerPoint Live?


Thanks, Glen.

I was wondering: would it make a difference if I created animated gifs
(externally) and used them on the slides I need to have animated?

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