Save as file name and specific field



I have this template where the user runs a macro and at the end it saves
it with the filename "postingSummary.txt" in a Quickbooks import
My file save as PostingSummary.txt is working just fine, but I would
like the add the date of the current week to the file name

I created field in I7 which I maniplutated to hold the wanted file name
of: "F:\_accescc3cData\PostingSum12-18-05.xls", which I could later
convert to a text file.

I am using a posted subroutine:

Sub SaveAsCell()
Dim strName As String

On Error GoTo InvalidName
strName = Sheet1.Range("I7")
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strName

but it bombs there.

What is wrong?

It seems to me the the save as cell should do the job, but it bombs
every time.
Any help would be appreciated.


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