"Save as" always results in maximum screen


Gene Hora

I like to save messages pertaining to bills paid (regular and on-line
purchases) in special folders. I've never had a problem until recently --
just select the e-mail, File-Save As and a small screen would open to allow
saving and browsing to the desired location. I could save it as a "eml" file
in a folder. I've done this for years, archiving certain e-mail files with
no difficulty opening them later.

Lately, when I click on Save As.. the screen opens up to the maximum screen
without any minimizing icon available. That means I can't view the e-mail I
want to save and elicit the necessary info to describe the file. I can't
find any entry in the menus that will correct this. Also found it hard to
describe a short Google description that would produce usable results. Is
this some fault in the registry that opens the screen like this? I don't
have this "save as" problem with any other program (Word, WordPad,
WordPerfect, etc.); only Windows Mail and it's a relatively new problem.

My interim solution is to drag the file to the desired location and then
rename it. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks

Gene Hora

Please disregard... I kept working and exploring and found the solution by
accident. I clicked on the icon at the upper left of the maximized screen
and on the context menu there was a choice to "restore" -- clicking on that
reduced the window to the previously known size. Have no idea how this
changed in the first place!

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