Save All not working



Using word 2000 with updates (help about now reads as word 2002? - from my IT

I changed computers at work. I then went to change all my styles in Word to
reflect my own preferences, closed word, and repopened to find nothing
"stuck". From other threads I read this was becasue was not
saving properly so I re-did my styles (know them off by heart now :)) and
used shift+file/ save all. Again I closed out of word and found that upon
re-opening none of my changes had stuck again. I also noted that I would
expect to get the message "Do you want to save" and this didn't
appear, and the normal message "word is saving" did not appear in
the task manager pane at the bottom of word.

I eventually figured out how to open directly and make the
changes there, but I was wondering if anyone knows why word is exhibiting
this behaviour? I did not have "Prompt to save normal template" ticked, but
I thought that shift+file /save all would over ride that anyway?

Any help would be appreciated as I don't want to have to open
every time I decide to change something.


Fiona Nelson

Charles Kenyon

It appears that you are missing the step: Save to template... after you have
modified your styles.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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from my ignorance and your wisdom.


Thanks Charles, looks like I'm not as good as following instructions as I
thought I was!


Suzanne S. Barnhill

But if she is changing the styles in directly and expressly
saving, as she says, then the problem must be down to something
else. Fiona, if you're on a corporate network, make sure that
isn't being overwritten at startup. If this is the case, do what you should
probably have done in the first place and create a specific document
template with the styles and formatting set as you prefer, and then select
that from the File New dialog when you want to create a document.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Fiona Nelson

Suzanne, Thanks for the advice. I should have said that when I directly
saved to the changes were maintained. I agree though, I should
set up a proper template - just being a bit lazy.


Fiona Nelson

Thanks again Suzanne. I looked at that site before posting which prompted
me to use the "save all" command. I think Charles is right - I just forgot
to click the "save to template" box. A case of "idiot behind the wheel"
syndrome I'm afraid.


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