SATA OS Install Problem



I've got a friend's computer that I'm trying to help him with. He
bought 2 WD 40gb SATA drives to replace his existing 70 & 6gb IDE
drives. I've formatted the SATA drives and have a Ghost image of the
70gb drive (his C: drive). The problem I'm having is I can't get
Norton Ghost 2002 or 2003 to boot with the SATA drives plugged in. The
computer just hangs. If I unplug them I can use the boot disks just
fine. Once I got to boot with one SATA drive in but Ghost didn't see
it when I wanted to restore the image to the new SATA. I've tried
installing XP Pro on the SATA drive but have run into the same
problem, with the SATA drive in XP won't boot, just stalls on
inspecting hardware if it gets to that point.

Anyone got any ideas? The mb, an ASUS P4P800S-X with a P4 2.6 cpu and
512mb RAM, is new. The processor and RAM about 1 year old. New DVD
Burner (HP 400i). I've looked in the BIOS and there aren't any
settings I can see that will help here. I'd really appreciate any help
that anyone can give. Thanks!

Bob Troll

Hi, I read your post and the first thing I thought of was actually 2 related
things. First you may want to alter the boot order to fire the floppy or cd
first for the ghost boot. Any boot disk is going to automatically look for a
hard drive on a onboard ide controller first. I have been there with this
issue on my NF7sv2.

In Ghost 2003 the sata drive will come up as if it were a scsi device so
look carefully.

In my NF7 bios I have a option to turn on the sata drive rom. This being off
will offer the exact symptoms you describe. Perhaps there is a similar
setting on the board you are dealing with?? BTW this option appeared within
the last bios update or so for my board.

I also recall very recently fooling around with a asus model maybe just like
yours. I found it odd that IT worked with the mentioned bios settings
OPPOSITE of the way my NF7 does things. Poke around in the bios a little and
it should come to you what I am talking about.

Don't foget to get that ide boot drive out of there after the imaging and
reset the bios to boot from the sata first before you full reboot.

Regards, Bob Troll

Lapsang Souchong

Bob Troll said:
Hi, I read your post and the first thing I thought of was actually 2
related things. First you may want to alter the boot order to fire
the floppy or cd first for the ghost boot. Any boot disk is going to
automatically look for a hard drive on a onboard ide controller
first. I have been there with this issue on my NF7sv2.

In Ghost 2003 the sata drive will come up as if it were a scsi device
so look carefully.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You ****tard ****. Not if the onboard
controller identifies itself as IDE/ATA, which the default for cheap-shit
SATA chipsets on motherboards, you ****-knuckled moron.

Bob Troll

Thanks very much for the flattering words Lapsang.You have displayed your
humble personality quite brilliantly. Have a fine day.

Regards, Bob Troll


Hi Bob,

Thanks for your reply!

Hi, I read your post and the first thing I thought of was actually 2 related
things. First you may want to alter the boot order to fire the floppy or cd
first for the ghost boot. Any boot disk is going to automatically look for a
hard drive on a onboard ide controller first. I have been there with this
issue on my NF7sv2.

Not an issue, it is set up that way.
In Ghost 2003 the sata drive will come up as if it were a scsi device so
look carefully.

2003 won't run at all. Just locks up on the welcome screen with a
frozen mouse cursor. Never saw that before... 2002 works but won't see
NTFS drives... So I've just converted them to FAT32s. The problem I"ve
discovered is that the ASUS board doesn't like the WD SATA drives. I
threw a Maxtor 160gb SATA and the problems were gone! I'm going to try
and restore to the Matrox drive and see if that works, if so I'm
returning the WD drives. Weird that Windows sees them (WD drives) but
DOS won't boot with the connected... Disconnect them and all is fine.
In my NF7 bios I have a option to turn on the sata drive rom. This being off
will offer the exact symptoms you describe. Perhaps there is a similar
setting on the board you are dealing with?? BTW this option appeared within
the last bios update or so for my board.

I also recall very recently fooling around with a asus model maybe just like
yours. I found it odd that IT worked with the mentioned bios settings
OPPOSITE of the way my NF7 does things. Poke around in the bios a little and
it should come to you what I am talking about.

I've poured throiugh the BIOS for hours and there is no special
setting that I'm not seeing or using. From what little I've now read,
it appears this mb really has iffy SATA controllers...
Don't foget to get that ide boot drive out of there after the imaging and
reset the bios to boot from the sata first before you full reboot.

I won't if I ever get to this point... thanks again for your reply!



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