SATA help



hi i currently purchased a maxtor 200gb sata drive that i am trying
to install, currently using a pata drive that i want to clone over to
the sata drive. the bios dectects the sata drive but windows doesn't,
i did update the bios and did the install using f6 from the windows cd
but nothing is working, pls help sata drive formatted with partition
magic to same specs as the pata. using nf8-v board

pls help

Michael Hawes

hi i currently purchased a maxtor 200gb sata drive that i am trying
to install, currently using a pata drive that i want to clone over to
the sata drive. the bios dectects the sata drive but windows doesn't,
i did update the bios and did the install using f6 from the windows cd
but nothing is working, pls help sata drive formatted with partition
magic to same specs as the pata. using nf8-v board

pls help
What are you using to clone? You should not need to partition or
format the new drive, the cloning software will do that at the same time.
What motherboard? Check in BIOS how SATA is handled. Latest motherboards can
make SATA look like PATA for Windows. RTFM for your motherboard.


havent got to the cloning proces yet, windows wont regonize the drive.
MB is an abit nf8-v, installed the necessary software for the MB to use
the sata drive still no go for windows
firmware is updated


yea partiton magic see both drives when i boot directly from the PM
disk, its version 8.0 both drives formatted to the ntfs

Michael Hawes

havent got to the cloning proces yet, windows wont regonize the drive.
MB is an abit nf8-v, installed the necessary software for the MB to use
the sata drive still no go for windows
firmware is updated
Does the sata controller show in Device Manager? Does the drive show in
Disk Management? Does the cloning software see the new drive? If yes, just
clone to it, but do NOT boot with the original drive connected after
cloning. Boot with just the new drive connected or WinXP will get confused.


hi i currently purchased a maxtor 200gb sata drive that i am trying
to install, currently using a pata drive that i want to clone over to
the sata drive. the bios dectects the sata drive but windows doesn't,
i did update the bios and did the install using f6 from the windows cd
but nothing is working, pls help sata drive formatted with partition
magic to same specs as the pata. using nf8-v board

pls help
when you press f6 you need to insert a floppy with the drivers for your SATA
controller otherwise the windows setup wont recognise the drive

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