Same Identity, 2 different users



I have a new one, my wife and I have 2 different user screens in Vista. The
problem comes up when my wife switches from my screen to hers, my Windows
Mail shows up on her user side. Make sense.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Same here w/my Vista, I am sooo frustrated. Sometimes on my alternate NON
default email addy, I can send, once in awhile receive, but then others, mail
send to secondary comes to primary. I belong to 2 list servs, and cannot
have that much mail coming to one email box. I am really REALLY aggravated.
Seems to be a bone of contention amongst alot of ppl, are there any
solutions, to stop this????


Steve Cochran

Go to Tools | Accounts | Mail and see what her mail accounts are. Your mail
account should not be listed under her accounts. While logged on as you,
you should have your mail account and not her account listed. Then your
mail and her mail will be segregated.


Steve Cochran

If you have separate accounts, then the mail all goes into your inbox. You
can use message rules to segregate the messages into different folders.

You might also wish to take a look at


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