S - L - O - W computers on network


bruce diamond

I have five 6-month-old Dell computers running Win XP SP1.
All of them used to be connected to an SBS 4.5 server, and
did very well. About a month ago, we installed a new SBS
2000 server and took the old one down. We followed all of
the procedures outlined in KB articles 278439 &
290603, "How to Upgrade SBS 4.x to SBS 2000 on a New
Computer". After the upgrade, all of the XP computers
experienced the symptoms described in KB 814112 - that
opening network files was slow (make that S - L - O - W)
or impossible. (The dozen or so Win98 machines also on the
network were unaffected.)

I applied the hotfix from Step One of the Resolution
section to all 5 computers and the server and made sure
that all had the latest service packs. This fixed the
problem on 3 of the 5 XP computers. Great, but the other
2 are still very slow to open, save, and print. I tried
disabling the anti-virus, but it doesn't seem to have done
any good.

So, at this point, I have to say "Help!".

Thanks in advance,
-Bruce Diamond

Michael Abram

I have found that the speed negotiation between your
network card and the switch (hub) can slow down an XP
machine tremendously. To see if this is your problem, try
going into the Advanced properties of your network adapter
and change the Speed and Duplex (they may be called
something else) from "Autosense" to a fixed rate like "100
Mbps Half". This cured several machines.

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