Runs slow when not on the network



Hi all,

Bit difficult to be sure because it varies, but I am sure that Access on my
laptop runs slower when at home rather than on the network at work, even
though all the files I use on the hard drive of the laptop. I also suspect
that performance improves when I switch off wireless on the laptop!!

Any possibility that something is going on here, and can I do anything to
improve things?


Albert D. Kallal


My long shot hunch?

You have a default network printer...and it not available.

Try setting your default printer to a local printer (or the Microsoft office
document writer).

Do that should stop ms-access for looking for a printer (each form, or
report can be rendered for printing purposes).

It is worth a try....

Todos Menos [MSFT]

Access MDB always runs slow across any network

these kids try to blame it on the network

I blame it on the database

MDB is completely retarded.
Move to SQL Server, kid


Albert is probably right, but I'll add some WAGs.

1. Your virus checker. Try disabling it and see if things improve.

2. Your laptop. If it's anything like my work-provided laptop, it would make
for a better doorstop! Check the memory on your laptop. If running A03 you
need at least 512 mb to get adequate performance and 1 gb would be better.

3. If running the laptop on batteries, it will be slower. Is it plugged in
when running Access?

Todos Menos [MSFT]


you should really learn to stop blaming EVERYTHING except the database

SQL Server out-performs MDB because it is EASIER to properly index

Tony Toews [MVP]

Access MDB always runs slow across any network

these kids try to blame it on the network

I blame it on the database

MDB is completely retarded.
Move to SQL Server, kid

Note that this person is really A a r o n K e m p f and that he is not an employee
of Microsoft.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
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Todos Menos [MSFT]

and where did you come up with this, jerry

If running A03 you
need at least 512 mb to get adequate performance

seriously-- did you just pull that number out of your ass?
is it because 512 is relatively reasonably priced right now?

I just think that you're full of crap, kid


Thanks all and apologies for not getting back.

Looks like it was the printer!!

You are also right about about the laptop which is a little underpowered but
it has got 1GB RAM and I do run it on mains when I can or on 'full power' if


Tony Toews [MVP]

Bill said:
Thanks all and apologies for not getting back.

Looks like it was the printer!!

Interesting? What kind of printer? What did you do to solve the
problem? Was it a non existent default printer?

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -



Don't build too much into this just yet, my test was only short. I will get

The situation is that at work we print via IP, but when at home the printer
is obviously not available. I have noticed that some applications (Word I
think) hang initially on start-up and then prompt with a message something
like '... cannot locate the printer do you want to continue without it
.....'. Though Access does not prompt I guess that something similar might be
going on in the background.


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