running total based on text



i have a column that i type in insurances.
i have four different broad types of insurances, medicare, medicaid, self
pay, and commercial insurance. The commercial insurance is listed by the
specific company.
I want to do a running total of each type and place the total in a separate
cell (each type would have its own cell). Then I need to know what percent
of each type is of the total of all types. i.e. medicare is 30% of all the
different types of insurance.

I tried Sumif and that didn't work

Help please!

Teethless mama

E2: =SUMIF(CriteriaRange,"criteria",SumRange)

F2: =E2/SumRange (format cell as %)


That's what i tried. =sumif(i6:i35,"medicare",i6:i35) and it returned 0.
I'm sorry i wasn't clear. i want it to pick out the number of times medicare
is in the column and give me that number.

David Biddulph

You need to look again in Excel help to remind yourself of the syntax of the
SUMIF function and what it does. It has done what you asked it to do. You
asked it to add the values in column I in those rows where the value in
column I is equal to the text string "medicare". You are therefore trying
to add up values which are text strings, and of course these evaluate to
zero, so you've got what you asked for.

You may perhaps want COUNTIF instead of SUMIF?


That works well for 3 of the 4 'types' of insurance, but the 4th type is
commercial ins and the text in the column is different for each company. how
can i combine what didn't get counted for the other 3 into one cell? i
looked at countif with wild cards but there are too many different names and
lengths of the names. Any help is appreciated.

David Biddulph

Is it as simple as counting the total and then subtracting the sum of the
other categories?


I finally figured out how to do exactly that. I'm a novice so sumif's and
countif's are new to me, but i came up with a countif with a wild card to sum
the total of the column. Thanks.

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