Running Processes


Mark Fairhurst

Since i built my computer, different things keep appearing as running
processes, this may be due to installs of programs but how can i find out
which ones i need and which ones are taking up process time, they are all
running when i have no programs open. Does anyone know what 'System Idle
Process' is?

Paul B T Hodges

Hey Mark,

System Idle is the process windows runs when there's nothing sitting on the
eligible cpu queue. It's a measure of how much spare cpu capacity you have
at any one time. So the larger this number, the better. If its 0, then your
system is flat out.

If you look in taskmanger/process, then 100 - Sum of all individual cpu =
System Idle

This is a useful site to find out whats running on your system, what should
be there and what shouldn't


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