Running a VS.Net 1.1 application


Shawn Ferguson

If you have already created a web-based application in Visual Studio 2003, will it run on the .NET 2.0 framework or will you have to upgrade your VS 2003 to VS 2005 code in order to run it. We have a developer who just recently finished a nice sized project in VS 2003, but we just recently upgraded out .NET framework to 2005. I haven't broke the news to him yet, hopefully I won't have to and it will run.


Norman Yuan

When you say "upgrateed out .NET FW2005", (BTW, there is no .NET
Framework2005, only .NET Framework2.0. Do confuse the Framework with
VisualStudio, which has 2002, 2003 and 2005 version), do you mean you
removed previous .NET framework (1.0 and/or 1.1) and then installed 2.0? Or
you just simply installed 2.0?

..NET Framework is designed for co-existence of multiple versions. They DO
not replace each other (as usual meaning of "upgrading"). In this sense, I'd
rather say new version of .NET framework is installed, than saying .NET
framework is upgrated.

It is best to run a .NET app with the exact version of .NET framework. Of
cource, most .NET app will most likely run on later version of .NET
framework. However, it is not 100% guarranteed. Some features of older
version .NET framework may get dropped in later version. If your app uses
thoses features, it will fail on later .NET framework.

If you have already created a web-based application in Visual Studio 2003,
will it run on the .NET 2.0 framework or will you have to upgrade your VS
2003 to VS 2005 code in order to run it. We have a developer who just
recently finished a nice sized project in VS 2003, but we just recently
upgraded out .NET framework to 2005. I haven't broke the news to him yet,
hopefully I won't have to and it will run.



If you have already created a web-based application in Visual Studio 2003,
will it run on the .NET 2.0 framework or will you have to upgrade your VS
2003 to VS 2005 code in order to run it. We have a developer who just
recently finished a nice sized project in VS 2003, but we just recently
upgraded out .NET framework to 2005. I haven't broke the news to him yet,
hopefully I won't have to and it will run.


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