RUNDLL/Error loading problem, help!



Whenever I start my computer, as soon as Windows loads I get 2 error messages. The first one reads, "Error loading C:\WINDOWS\bs3.dll - The specified module could not be found." The second one reads, "Error loading C:\WINDOWS\bsx5.dll - The specified module could not be found."

I also get another error window that reads, "The file 'hpzimc05.dll' on (Unknown) is needed. Type the path where the file is located, and then click OK." I have no idea what this means or where this file is.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


You might using search to find each .dll. Search settings
should include "sub folders" and "hidden files and
folders" check these boxes in advanced search settings. If
you find the DLL your looking for right click and
choose "open containing folder". The DLL should be
highlighted there. Right click the DLL and choose "copy".
Then go to the folder where windows says the DLL is
missing from,(make sure its the right folder C:WINDOWS\
folder doesn't have dlls in it at least on my PC). Right
click on an empty space in that folder and choose "paste".
Those DLLs you mentioned don't look like XP dlls so they
may belong to an application or program.
Hope this helped
-----Original Message-----
Whenever I start my computer, as soon as Windows loads I
get 2 error messages. The first one reads, "Error loading
C:\WINDOWS\bs3.dll - The specified module could not be
found." The second one reads, "Error loading
C:\WINDOWS\bsx5.dll - The specified module could not be
I also get another error window that reads, "The
file 'hpzimc05.dll' on (Unknown) is needed. Type the path
where the file is located, and then click OK." I have no
idea what this means or where this file is.


Thanks for the suggestion, but when I searched I couldn't find either file
in either drive. Any other suggestions?


-----Original Message-----
Whenever I start my computer, as soon as Windows loads I
get 2 error messages. The first one reads, "Error loading
C:\WINDOWS\bs3.dll - The specified module could not be
found." The second one reads, "Error loading
C:\WINDOWS\bsx5.dll - The specified module could not be
I also get another error window that reads, "The
file 'hpzimc05.dll' on (Unknown) is needed. Type the path
where the file is located, and then click OK." I have no
idea what this means or where this file is.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

I searched bs3.dll in Google and wound up at:

where they refer to this as a Browser Helper Object.
PestPatrol does not make it sound like something you want
on your computer.

Check the PestPatrol link for further information.
Consider obtaining and then updating and running both 'Ad-
Aware' and 'Spybot'. Both are donationware.



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