Run As...



H all.. I am using Win XP PRO and I was wondering if there was a way to set a
program to always run as an admin so you don't have to click 'Run As' every
time... Thanks in advance ;)

Shenan Stanley

midnight_t said:
I am using Win XP PRO and I was wondering if there was a
way to set a program to always run as an admin so you don't have to
click 'Run As' every time... Thanks in advance ;)

Change the permissions on the files/folders an registry entries so that you
do not have to do run as at all?

In Vista - yes - an innate way. In Windows XP - no innate way. In either
case - I do not recommend it.


Shenan Stanley said:
Change the permissions on the files/folders an registry entries so that you
do not have to do run as at all?

In Vista - yes - an innate way. In Windows XP - no innate way. In either
case - I do not recommend it.

The problem is I am trying to let this user run DVD Decrypter but to do so
it seems you need admin rights.. The only way I can get it to work is if I
log on as them and physically choose Run As every time.... :(

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