Rules about copies of XP?



I think the proper response, as you've done to me is do your own homework.
If you contact the FBI or the local Sheriff in an area where the CCW was
implemented they will tell you that violent crime has dropped at a higher
rate since CCW was implemented.
Mostly because that would be in rural areas, where people have less
contact with other people.

Dufus, CCS has been implemented in many cities, get a clue.

I think the proper response, as you've done to me is do your own homework.
If you contact the FBI or the local Sheriff in an area where the CCW was
implemented they will tell you that violent crime has dropped at a higher
rate since CCW was implemented.


[snipped - it was very interesting, didn't know some of that]
The point being only the police and some security guards can carry guns
to be used against people. Even a can of hair spray, if it's purpose is
anti human - and that includes self defense, is a crime to carry.

But as the saying goes "shotties are best for crowd control".

So, with only criminals being able to have guns in an uncontrolled manner,
do you have gun crimes? I've not looked at how Oz compares to the US, but
I would have to find two cities that appear similar and I don't know the
makeup of Sidney.


Leythos said:
Your only fact in this entire BS is statement you just made: "I have
a right to my interpretation".

The vendors license stands until you prove otherwise.

That is not how contract law works. If I break a contract term, it is
up to the licensor to sue me and convince a judge that I broke the
but in my defense I can raise the unconscionability of the term as the
reason for breaking it.

SCO is suing IBM for violating the UNIX licensing agreement. Has IBM
violated it before a court rules it has, just because SCO claims IBM
has? If so, why have a trial at all?

IBM didn't have to sue SCO and prove that they had a right to do what
they did, and neither do I!

Dude, have you not figured out yet that I know both contract law, and
copyright law a hell of a lot better than you do? I give practical
analogies, links, quote other people from universities to the supreme
court, and all you do is refute it with the MicroNonsense of MS's EULA.

Come on, lameboy. Let's see you put up like I do, instead of the FUD
what might happen in the future, and the MS's word is the law BS.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


hmmm , i guess as long as you feel free and safe . i collect , shoot
recreationally , teach handgun safety to people wanting to be licenced to
carry and never leave home without one in my pocket . one of the first
things hitler did was require all firearm owners to register their guns .
then he confiscated them .


Leythos said:
I think the proper response, as you've done to me is do your own
homework. If you contact the FBI or the local Sheriff in an area
where the CCW was implemented they will tell you that violent crime
has dropped at a higher rate since CCW was implemented.

In other words, you can't back up your words.
Dufus, CCS has been implemented in many cities, get a clue.

You were talking about areas "always been legal to carry weapons." Not
the new places that have been added recently.
I think the proper response, as you've done to me is do your own
homework. If you contact the FBI or the local Sheriff in an area
where the CCW was implemented they will tell you that violent crime
has dropped at a higher rate since CCW was implemented.

In other words, you can't back up your words. Typical!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Dude, have you not figured out yet that I know both contract law, and
copyright law a hell of a lot better than you do? I give practical
analogies, links, quote other people from universities to the supreme
court, and all you do is refute it with the MicroNonsense of MS's EULA.

Kurt, I agree that you can break the rules until MS takes you to court, I
never disputed that. What I disagree with is that you are telling people,
in most cases, they it's legal to install in violation of the license as
provided. There is a difference between telling people that they can do
what they want as long as they understand that it's not been challenged in
court and could be considered illegal and in telling them that they can do
anything they want.


In other words, you can't back up your words. Typical!

A few months ago, and even a couple years ago, I could have provided links
to this sites in seconds, but as I've switched many things to Linux and I
don't make a point to follow those topics daily, I've not migrated all my
old bookmarks and articles to this machine. Which means I don't have
direct access to the articles to quote them to you, which means, like the
BS you spread about licensing, your are interpreting as you see fit.

I didn't ask you to believe it, I just stated what I've seen in the files,
from local law enforcement people, and from stats on government sites.
You have as much access to them as I do - so do your own homework.


Perhaps, but as long as the normals outnumber the crazies, I'd rather
the normals AND the crazies be armed, rather then just the crazies.

I got an email from an Intel officer today, it had the following attached
to their sig, thought it fit this tract:

"It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is equally
certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all terrorists are Muslims."
Abdel Rahman al-Rashed, general manager of the influential Al Arabiya
television station, after the Beslan, Russia, attack.


We like our crazies with knifes rather than assault rifles.

Perhaps, but as long as the normals outnumber the crazies, I'd rather
the normals AND the crazies be armed, rather then just the crazies.


Leythos said:
Kurt, I agree that you can break the rules until MS takes you to
court, I never disputed that. What I disagree with is that you are
telling people, in most cases, they it's legal to install in
violation of the license as provided.

I don't say that to anyone. Show where I said that to anyone but you.
And even to you, I said my interpretation is legally valid until proven
otherwise. And for the last more than dozen years, MS has yet to
challenge my "fair use" interpretation. The likelihood of them ever
doing is so miniscule after all this time, that I stand a better chance
of winning $500,000,000 in the lottery.
There is a difference between
telling people that they can do what they want as long as they
understand that it's not been challenged in court and could be
considered illegal and in telling them that they can do anything they

They can do whatever they want in the privacy of their home for
non-commercial purposes with the copyrighted material that they have
legal access to. Until either Congress rewrites copyright law, or a
court rules otherwise. That's how Copyright Law works.

In the Betamax case, the Supreme Court defined what "fair use" means
when it comes to individuals.

"Any individual may reproduce a copyrighted work for a "fair use"; the
copyright owner does not possess the exclusive right to such a use." -

They didn't just limit individual "fair use" to that of a specific type
of copyrighted material in that case, but they left the definition broad
because individuals have to "fair use" of any type of copyrighted
material they have access to. It was one of the main rationales why
that the video recorder wasn't an infringement, because its main use
wasn't an infringement, that of individuals reproducing and using those
copies of copyrighted material.

"Fair Use" as written in copyright law, is mainly the talking about the
Public and/or commercial "fair uses" of copyrighted material, so in the
Betamax case the Supreme Court defined what "fair use" is for us
individuals in the privacy of our own homes. No copyright owner has the
right to KNOW what we do in our homes with our copies of our copyrighted
material. They do not possess that exclusive right. Remember we are
supposedly a gov't of the people, by the people, for the people. We are
not the gov't for the corporate copyright elite.

Later in the Betamax decision, the Supreme Court makes reference to
another Supreme Court decision of the meaning of copyright, and for who
it is that is suppose to benefit the most from it.

"The limited scope of the copyright holder's statutory monopoly, like
the limited copyright duration required by the Constitution, reflects a
balance of competing claims upon the public interest: Creative work is
to be encouraged and rewarded, but private motivation must ultimately
serve the cause of promoting broad public availability of literature,
music, and the other arts. The immediate effect of our copyright law is
to secure a fair return for an 'author's' creative labor. But the
ultimate aim is, by this incentive, to stimulate artistic creativity for
the general public good. 'The sole interest of the United States and
the primary object in conferring the monopoly,' this Court has said,
'lie in the general benefits derived by the public from the labors of
authors' . . . . When technological change has rendered its literal
terms ambiguous, the Copyright Act must be construed in light of this
basic purpose." -

Being paid by an individual for a copyrighted work once, is a "fair
return," and being paid more than once for the same copyrighted material
by an individual is more than a "fair return" and isn't in the general
public good.

Now Bruce likes to bring up what is written at the Stanford U. site,
which is stating the public and/or commercial aspects of "fair use," but
one place where private non-commercial "fair use" and public and/or
commercial "fair use" are similar is when the copyright owner disagrees
with the interpretation of "fair use" being used.

"Unfortunately, if the copyright owner disagrees with your fair use
interpretation, the dispute will have to be resolved by courts or
arbitration. If it's not a fair use, then you are infringing upon the
rights of the copyright owner and may be liable for damages." -

So in a situation like copyrighted software, where a company like MS has
known that its copyrighted material has been "fairly used" for more than
a dozen years, and has yet to legally disagree with any definition of
"fair use" of their software in a court of law, after all this time it
is highly unlikely that MS would now challenge this in court, because:
1.) the length of time that they didn't challenge this would be held
against them, and, 2.) they don't possess the exclusive right to such
a use, and it would be highly unlikely that a court would rule in favor
of a corporation to have rights in someone's home to tell them how an
individual can use copyrighted material in the privacy of that home, and
that being in the general public good.

MS has always known that they really don't stand a snowballs chance in
hell of winning such a case, and that is the main reason for the
behavior modification aspects of PA. To win through marketing and
propaganda, what it knows it cannot win under the law and under existing
legal precedent. So MS, like any of us, has the right to sue for just
about anything, but that doesn't mean that they would win. If they
thought they could, then they would have done as the Music Industry has
done over file-sharing. And if you look at those suits closely, the
Music Industry is only going after those that make their music
collections available for upload to other, in other words, distributing
music to others, and the Music Industry hasn't gone after anyone that
has just downloaded music, because individuals have the right to "fairly
use" the copyrighted material that is available to them for their own
private use, but not the right to redistribute it to others.

This is how copyright and "fair use" works today. One day the corporate
copyright lobby may get Congress to change Copyright Law and remove some
of the limitations placed on Copyright Owners under Copyright Law, but
until then, we, as private non-commercial individuals have the right to
"fairly use" the copyrighted material we have access to. No copyright
owner possess the right to say otherwise. That is a fact jack, until
proven otherwise, or Copyright Law is rewritten by Congress, not by a
corporate copyright owner in a post-sale shrink-wrap license.

My interpretation is legally valid as long as MS doesn't sue me and win.
That is a fact, Lameboy.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Leythos said:
A few months ago, and even a couple years ago, I could have provided
links to this sites in seconds, but as I've switched many things to
Linux and I don't make a point to follow those topics daily, I've not
migrated all my old bookmarks and articles to this machine. Which
means I don't have direct access to the articles to quote them to
you, which means, like the BS you spread about licensing, your are
interpreting as you see fit.

I didn't ask you to believe it, I just stated what I've seen in the
files, from local law enforcement people, and from stats on
government sites. You have as much access to them as I do - so do
your own homework.

An excuse that you are too lazy to back up your words! I love it!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

David Candy

Sydney and San Francisco are often considered sister cities (both harbour cities, both gay friendly, and a lot of immigration both ways in the 1800s). We have ethnic gangs etc. But most weapon crimes are with knifes (I was held up once in 78 with a knife - the railway police rang me and said he'll be gone when we get there after I hit the hold up button - he got no money so they didn't care but another time at work the local police came in 2 minutes after I rang them - knew the button was a waste of time).

Because guns were quite legal till Port Arthur ( there are many guns still in houses. But there are steep gaol sentances. And shooting at a copper is a bad idea if you want to be free again.

If you get murdered in an australian city it will be a bashing or knifing. And both are fairly unlikely. If you are shot it will be a family member that does it.

Leythos said:
[snipped - it was very interesting, didn't know some of that]
The point being only the police and some security guards can carry guns
to be used against people. Even a can of hair spray, if it's purpose is
anti human - and that includes self defense, is a crime to carry.

But as the saying goes "shotties are best for crowd control".

So, with only criminals being able to have guns in an uncontrolled manner,
do you have gun crimes? I've not looked at how Oz compares to the US, but
I would have to find two cities that appear similar and I don't know the
makeup of Sidney.


My interpretation is legally valid as long as MS doesn't sue me and win.
That is a fact, Lameboy.

Your interpretation is a legal opinion, nothing more.

Your postings indicate you are a troll - nice.


Sydney and San Francisco are often considered sister cities (both
harbour cities, both gay friendly, and a lot of immigration both ways in
the 1800s). We have ethnic gangs etc. But most weapon crimes are with
knifes (I was held up once in 78 with a knife - the railway police rang
me and said he'll be gone when we get there after I hit the hold up
button - he got no money so they didn't care but another time at work
the local police came in 2 minutes after I rang them - knew the button
was a waste of time).

Because guns were quite legal till Port Arthur
there are many guns still in houses. But there are steep gaol sentances.
And shooting at a copper is a bad idea if you want to be free again.

If you get murdered in an australian city it will be a bashing or
knifing. And both are fairly unlikely. If you are shot it will be a
family member that does it.

Thanks for all the info. Years ago, when I was considering changing jobs I
contacted the Oz embassy to see about the rules/regulations of moving my
family to Perth, but the 6 months quarantine for my Siberian Huskies was
just too long. I don't know much about Pert or Sidney, but they did sound
like nice places. When I was in the Navy we didn't stop in Oz, I really
wanted to make that port-call.


kurttrail said:
He spoke them they wrote it down afterwards.

Yeah, just like with the words of the Buddha, it was preverted by his
followers. But both of their messages shine through the perversion of
those that came after them.

But, what were his real words, since the only ones written of him, were by
others, and not him? Since those are the only words that are mentioned, we
can only use the interpretation of what he supposedly said from the words of
others. I guess, only Jesus really knows :)


Gandhi was one of my heros!


Leythos said:
Your interpretation is a legal opinion, nothing more.

My interpretation is legally valid until otherwise challenged in court
and the challenger wins. That is a FACT.

And you cannot prove otherwise. All you can say is a variation of no it
isn't! That is the third time you didn't dispute one thing I said.

I explain myself in minute detail, with quotes and links, and all you is
give is a nonsense one sentence reply to it. If anyone is revealing
himself as a troll, it is you, Lamo!
Your postings indicate you are a troll - nice.

ROFL! Like I care what YOU think, Lameboy. Wait a second, what am I
saying? You obviously cannot think at all! If you did, you would have
some sense of shame for how lame your replies to me really are!

Let's see another variation on the "no it isn't" reply!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Tom said:
But, what were his real words, since the only ones written of him,
were by others, and not him? Since those are the only words that are
mentioned, we can only use the interpretation of what he supposedly
said from the words of others. I guess, only Jesus really knows :)

One reads studies, and makes that decision for themselves. If you take
a red-letter Bible, and extract all the words attributed to him, the you
can see his teachings as a whole, and distinguish what is consistent
with his main message, and that which is totally out of character.

Gandhi was one of my heros!

Mine too, along with Martin Luther King Jr. Another man with flaws.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


I explain myself in minute detail, with quotes and links

Any your explanations are only your opinion of what you think you've read.
Others read the same material and still don't agree, so it's still just an


Leythos said:
Any your explanations are only your opinion of what you think you've
read. Others read the same material and still don't agree, so it's
still just an opinion.

I use legal precedents to back up my interpretation of "fair use." And
it doesn't matter that you or anybody else disagrees with it. It is the
copyright owner that has to disagree with it, and get a court to agree
with them, before my interpretation of "fair use" is considered legally

What don't you understand about that? That is not my opinion, it is a
FACT. It is the way Copyright Law works. And you have yet to show ONE
thing that disputes this fact. All you have is your lame reply that it
is just an opinion. Be a man, and prove it.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Michael Stevens

Semper said:
I agree totally with Jupiter and others
kurttrail is a troll of the worst kind and I have filtered him out
other people need to do the same.
Or stop responding to his comments
He seeks attention why give it to him?

You as well as others that accuse Kurt of being a troll are just wrong, Kurt
is not a troll and does not fit any definition of the actions a troll is
defined by. Plus calling Kurt a troll is about the equiIivent of saying his
mother wears army boots, Would you be concerned if you called yourself a
troll? LOL
He is disruptive, annoying, thought provoking, opinionated, perverse, rude,
might have a beard, [denies he hates]but hates Bush, has a warped sense of
humor and in my unsubstantiated opinion is going through a midlife crisis or
a rare case of male menopause. But he is not a Troll.
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
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