RSS Feeds



I am trying to insert a RSS feed into my FP2002 website. Being cluelesss I am going no where fast. To date I have tried inserting the feed either manually or via the insert/web component/Advance Controls/HTML. It doesn't work.

Am I right in assuming the problem is that either FP or the browser doesn't not know what to do with the RSS Feed tags and that I need some kind of interrupter command or program to tell FP how to work with the feed? Where do I find such an item, how do I configure FP to work with it, and what else do I need to know to make an RSS feed work
I will upgrade to FP2003 if it helps simplify the procedure


- <rss version="2.0"
- <channel><title>MSDN: FrontPage</title><link></link><description>The latest technical information on Microsoft FrontPage for developers.</description><language>en-us</language><ttl>1440</ttl>
- <item><title>Extending Find and Replace in Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003</title><pubDate>Fri, 23 Jan 2004 08:00:00 GMT</pubDate><description>Learn about the XML Query schema that FrontPage uses to save and reuse queries so that you can create your own powerful solutions to extend Find and Replace.</description><link></link></item></channel></rss>

Fred King


I've been trying to do this exact same thing for a couple
of weeks now, but with now success. I do know that you
need an RSS reader or aggregator, and to that end I've
found this: (to
download) from which is a free reader,
and seems to be the only one (I've found so far)suited to
incorporating into a web page....but I can't get it to
I'd love to know if you can find a way to do it as there
seems to be a severe shortage of info about this subject.

I hope that helps in some way..


-----Original Message-----

I am trying to insert a RSS feed into my FP2002 website.
Being cluelesss I am going no where fast. To date I have
tried inserting the feed either manually or via the
insert/web component/Advance Controls/HTML. It doesn't
Am I right in assuming the problem is that either FP or
the browser doesn't not know what to do with the RSS Feed
tags and that I need some kind of interrupter command or
program to tell FP how to work with the feed? Where do I
find such an item, how do I configure FP to work with it,
and what else do I need to know to make an RSS feed work?
I will upgrade to FP2003 if it helps simplify the procedure.


- <rss version="2.0">
- <channel><title>MSDN:
erstanding/frontpage/</link><description>The latest
technical information on Microsoft FrontPage for
developers. said:
- <item><title>Extending Find and Replace in Microsoft
Office FrontPage 2003</title><pubDate>Fri, 23 Jan 2004
08:00:00 GMT</pubDate><description>Learn about the XML
Query schema that FrontPage uses to save and reuse queries
so that you can create your own powerful solutions to
extend Find and

Tom Gahagan

Hello guys........

Creating an Online RSS News Aggregator with ASP.NET

(watch wrapping of link)

Creating RSS files for your Web site

Best to you.......
Tom Gahagan

GMW said:
I am trying to insert a RSS feed into my FP2002 website. Being cluelesss I
am going no where fast. To date I have tried inserting the feed either
manually or via the insert/web component/Advance Controls/HTML. It doesn't
Am I right in assuming the problem is that either FP or the browser
doesn't not know what to do with the RSS Feed tags and that I need some kind
of interrupter command or program to tell FP how to work with the feed?
Where do I find such an item, how do I configure FP to work with it, and
what else do I need to know to make an RSS feed work?
I will upgrade to FP2003 if it helps simplify the procedure.


- <rss version="2.0">
- <channel><title>MSDN:
age/</link><description>The latest technical information on Microsoft
FrontPage for
developers. said:
- <item><title>Extending Find and Replace in Microsoft Office FrontPage
2003</title><pubDate>Fri, 23 Jan 2004 08:00:00
GMT</pubDate><description>Learn about the XML Query schema that FrontPage
uses to save and reuse queries so that you can create your own powerful
solutions to extend Find and

Fred King



A useful answer!! I have to say, most other people on here
don't actually help much - they just want to look good,
but you've helped loads here.

Thanks very much to you!

Fred King

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