Rounding functions



Hi, I have a list of numbers I would like to round to different
decimals based on the value of the number. I would use a select case
to do this but I am not sure how to round to set values. For example:

number is between 1-2, round to nearest 0.01
number is between 2-3, round to nearest 0.02
number is between 3-4, round to nearest 0.05
number is between 4-6, round to nearest 0.1

would I need to strip the decimal from the whole number and perform
functions on the decimal part or are there any ready made functions
that can do this?




Remember that solution was intended for VB5/6 and made use of Doubles. You
should change all the doubles to decimal to retain precision in .Net.


Can't you use the Round method of the Decimal class, like:

myRoundedDecimal = Decimal.Round (mydecimal, NoOfSignificantDigits)

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