Rounding formula won't copy to other cells in column - why?



I have a formula in cell G2 that reads: =round(F2,0). I'm using this to
round the value in cell F2 and remove decimal places. The entire "F" column
has values I want to round, and I am unable to "fill" the formula so that I
can get the rounded values of each record in the range. What should I be
looking for?

JE McGimpsey

So what *does* happen when you copy the formula in G2 to other cells in
the column? Check to make sure Calculation is set to Automatic


When I try to copy the formula down to other cells in the column, the answer
to the first cell shows in all other cells, even though the formula has
changed relative to the location of the copy (F2 becomes F3, etc.). I don't
even get the option to "fill" the range if I use the right mouse on the cell
selector corner. Seems strange...


Wow! Do I feel Stupid! You are correct - the radio button for Automatic had
been deselected. When I selected Automatic - just like a miracle - my
numbers appeared! Thanks!

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