Rolling back to XP......


Jim Hubbard

I adopted Vista Ultimate (32 bit), Office 2007 and Microsoft Office
Accounting Professional 2007 on my personal desktop at my company.

While I looked for reasons to justify upgrading all of my workstations, I
found just the opposite.

I mostly do invoicing of clients for my company. In QuickBooks Premier
2006, emailing an invoice (ugly as they are - with no lines separating the
line items) is a pretty straightforward, simple process. Emailing an
invoice from my new system is a nightmare.

First, there is no default letters like in QBP. The subject lines just say
"Invoice" - no number, no date, nothing to indicate to the receiver which
invoice their emails are without opening each one to see.

Then, there is the problem of emailing everything in Word 2007 format. Most
of my (and probably your) customers are still on Office 2003 (or less).
They cannot view Word 2007 docs as you see them without installing a Word
Viewer. But, that doesn't sound so bad - after all Word Viewer is free,

Sure it's free. But, for your clients to see your pretty new Word 2007 Docs
as you do, they have to do the following (after downloading and installing
the Word Viewer from

To use Word Viewer to open the file, follow these steps:
1. Start Word Viewer.
2. Click File, and then click Open.
3. In the Files of type list, click All Files (*.*).
4. Click to select the file that you want to open, and then click Open.

Ridiculous! They can't even view your docs from Office!

Now, there is an option in Word that will allow you to email your documents
in PDF format. The problem here is that when you choose to email a Word
2007 doc as a PDF attachment, you get a completely blank email with the Word
Doc attached as a PDF.

The TO address, email body, etc. are blank - just more work for me to do.
In QBP, this is all done for me. (And, the irritating thing is that the
first Word email editor stays open after you send the doc as a PDF
attachment from the second email editor window.....why?)

I called Microsoft Office Accounting Professional 2007 support
(1-866-827-1619 just in case you need it) and asked about these problems
(anything that slows me down is a "problem" in my world). They said there
is no way to automatically send an invoice as a PDF attachment from
Microsoft Accounting Professional 2007. There is also no way to make the
subject line say anything but "Invoice". And, there is no default invoice
letter with user fields filled out like there is in QuickBooks Premier 2006.

Do they have any plans to make emailing invoices any easier? No.

So, it's back to XP, Office 2003 and QuickBooks Premier 2006 for me. And,
for my customers....I recommend staying right where they are...they (and I)
will be more productive on XP/2003 than on Vista/2007.

Asta la Vista baby.......


Hi Jim,

Sorry its been a poor experiance HOWEVER Vista and Office 2007 are
completely new and require investigating / new learning.

Vista and Office 2007 has been around for some months to test. Dare I say it
I would never expect anyone to be able to start using new software
immediately to carry on running a business after install

Adaptions have to be made, investigations need to be made and more
importantly comprimises.

What are you gonna do if someone emails you 2007 format ? Your clients will
be in the same conumdrum. Office 2003 will prompt to download a viewer for
2007 and once installed office 2003 opens 2007 with a breeze. Office 2000
will not support it. Its new technology so to move forward you have to

Different accounting packages do things differently, what works for one
doesn't work for another. You cant expect them to work the way you are used
to. (compromise or adapt). I could give you a list of things that QB cant do
that Office Accounting can.

Word 2007 to PDF or even XPS works ok here... saved bundle on upgrading to
Adobe 8.5 for vista. Only needed the writer function

No, I dont work for Microsoft, I use and support

Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Accounting.

all clients have different needs and what works for one doesn't work for

Just my $0.02


Vista and Office 2007 has been around for some months to test. Dare I
say it I would never expect anyone to be able to start using new
software immediately to carry on running a business after install

Adaptions have to be made, investigations need to be made and more
importantly comprimises.

What are you gonna do if someone emails you 2007 format ?

Contact them back and tell them to send back a PDF.

I do it all the time.


You have missed an important point, that I wager a lot of people have not
caught on to.

Vista is not about being more productive, in fact it is quite the opposite.
Vista is about making it harder to use non-Microsoft software. A feature
that very few customers find useful.

Jim Hubbard


First, thanks for the reply.

I guess I just thought that something so basic and simple as emailing an
invoice should (a) take into account that not everyone will have Office 2007
for months [some for years - Microsoft knows this even if it wishes it were
not so], (b) that if you have a template for invoices, surely you'd have a
template for the invoice letter [something QuickBooks uses very effectively
and is certainly possible in MOAP 2007], and (c) the primary goal of all
software upgrades should be to simplify the user's experience and save the
user time and expense.

Microsoft Office Accounting Professional 2007 has managed to do exactly the
OPPOSITE of all of these things that I [as a programmer of 22 years] take
for granted in my releases.

I guess, for me, the trade offs I would have to make (more typing, longer
time to complete my invoices, etc.) are not worth the admittedly very
professional-looking invoices put out by MOAP.

Thanks again for your post!

Jim Hubbard

Jim Hubbard

DanS said:
Contact them back and tell them to send back a PDF.

I do it all the time.

Oddly enough, I haven't had anyone try and send me any 2007 stuff yet.

Jim Hubbard

Linux looks less and less scary to me every day.

Wrecklass said:
You have missed an important point, that I wager a lot of people have not
caught on to.

Vista is not about being more productive, in fact it is quite the
opposite. Vista is about making it harder to use non-Microsoft software. A
feature that very few customers find useful.

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