Right-clicking freezes explorer - what did I do?



Hi people

Every time I right-click a file/folder on the desktop or within a "my computer" window (actually, in *any* file dialogue box), explorer freezes

I can terminate and restart explorer through the task manager (and when I look in there, explorer.exe isn't using any CPU - only the normal System Idle Process is)

It started when I was using a DTP program and tried to open a file. In the "file open" dialog, I accidentally created a new folder. Obviously, that's not a problem - the file dialog boxes allow you to do all explorer file operations

But in the same "file open" dialog box, I tried to delete the new folder. I right-clicked, and it froze

Since then, any right-clicking on files or folders - of *any* type - freezes explorer

The only new thing I had done to my PC was to install Extensis Suitcase (a font management program). But uninstalling this hasn't helped

I can't find anything on Microsoft's support site - does anyone know what's happened, and more importantly what I can do about it


Bill C

I have the exact same problem and its really ticking me off. My problem
started about 2 or so weeks ago, shortly after the most recent "critical"
windows update. Don't know if there is a connection. I had installed
several new programs like Mozilla and Acrobat Reader 6.0 at about the same
time so I uninstalled them and that didn't fix the problem. I found this
article in the knowledge base (#555021,
which is similar to this problem but not quite it. It says your user
profile is corrupt. Well I went through the pain and agony of setting up a
new user profile, killing the old one, and as you would expect, nothing
changed. Anytime I right click on a folder - the system stops responding.
No use of system resources, just no response from that window.

I'll keep reading in hopes someone else knows WTF is going on.

Evans, GA


I mistakenly started a new thread, not knowing someone else had the exact same problem I'm having. Explorer (both windows and internet) and the desktop freezes when I right click on a drive within My Computer.

I really need to look at the properties of one of the drives. Somebody help!

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