Returning Output Parameters using a TableAdapter



I have a typed dataset in 2.0, that returns 2 output parameters.
Unfortunately I have not been able to capture these values:

Private Sub GetValues()

Dim ta As New dsValuesTableAdapters.MyValuesTableAdapter
Dim dt As New dsValues.MyValuesDataTable
Dim value1 As Integer
Dim value2 As Integer

ta.Fill(dt, value1, value2)
'value1 and value2 both have a zero value, but should have the
value 4 (in this example)
lblValue1.Text = value1.ToString
lblValue1.Text = value1.ToString

Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try

End Sub

How can this be accomplished using typed tableadapters?


Oops! This actually worked correctly; in my real procedure I needed to pass
in an input value, which I did, but I forgot to give it a value (it was
null)! Doh!

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