Return Pay Date



Hi - I'm building a budget spreadsheet in which ...

Col B contains "DUE DATE", Col C "AMOUNT", and Col D "DESCRIPTION".

I need help in the way of a formular in cell J1 that will return the
date (from col B) of the next pay.

The next pay is denoted with "Pay" in col D, DESCRIPTION. That is, I
want the formula to look down col D (Description) for the first entry
"Pay" and return the date of that pay that appears 2 rows left in col

Any help would be appreciated.

Regards, Kaye

Nick Hodge


I worked with dates in B2:B25 so change to suit and obviously also change
the lookup range in the MATCH function.You will need to format J1 as date


Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)

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