retrieving Outlook user info from Word macro



Hi everyone,
I am using Office ver 2003. I have created a Word template with userform
that populates some bookmarks in a letter. I have been asked to automatically
the user's name (first name and last name) and their position in the
userform, as listed in the Outlook global address list.

I have found code on the Word MVPs site (with thanks to Dev Ashish) to get
the userid from Windows, and have that working. Can anyone get me started or
point me in the right direction for code to get from the userid to user's
First name, Last name and position from Outlook global address list? Or is
there another (better) way? i would rate my VBA skills as good in Word,
Excel, Access, but I've not had any experience of significance in Outlook.

Many thanks in advance for any help.



PS. i have read Sue's reply to Jenn's post below, but i think i need a little
more direction please? even which of the links in the article Sue suggested,
to get me to the right starting point? Thanks heaps in advance :)

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