

Tom Brown

Many years ago, I gained a small bit of proficiency with Access and Access
2.0. I have since returned to try my hand at a few things with Access 2003
but I am having trouble with the simplest things. I guess I forgot most of
what I knew.

I have one table, with a hidden key and another text field that is sorted in
a query. I have one form and one report. Simple enough.

I can add data to the form which goes into the table and I can print the
report and it shows all the records I have entered. But, the next time I
open the form, I see none of the existing records in the form. If I add 5
records, those 5 new ones show up in the table and in the report. The
record source for the form is the query.




Sounds to me that you may have the "Data Entry" property for the form set to
Yes ...
This only allows new records to be entered in the form ...
Set this property to No (false) .. and your existing records should appear ...

R. Hicks

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