Restricting User Input...


Darin Kramer


Question... If Cell A1 shows yes, I dont want the user to be able to
input data in cells b1,c1 and d1

If cell A2 shows no, the user needs to be able to enter data in b2, c2,
d2 etc

A further complication is that a1 and a2 are not definite, (ie sitn
could be that a1 shows no, and user should then BE able to enter data
into b1,c1,d1 etc...

The only data to be inputted (or not inputted) is a yes or no....

Any ideas...?



Harald Staff

Hi D

Cells are not the best tool for this, they are designed to accept just any
input and allow users to do whatever they feel for at any moment. You are
better off with a userform when you want to restrict and validate inputs.

HTH. Best wishes Harald

Darin Kramer


Thanks, but forms are too complicated for this simple user!! :)

What about data validation.. .custom option, it asks for a formulae,
cant that formulae say if a1=yes, then accept Yes or no, if a1 = no,
then dont accept anything....?

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