Restricted Sites?



Hi all,

I've been sent a questionnaire by someone. When I fill it in and try to get
my results, nothing happens and it says its a restricted site at the bottom
of the page. However, when I go into my security settings it says there are
no sites in this zone. Any ideas? - Thanks in advance.

Brian A.

Did you request it?
How did you receive it?
Was the sender a known trusted "someone"?
Did the form require you provide any sensitive private personal information?

If you answered: No, Email, No and Yes, you need to take immediate action to
protect your assets. Sites do not have to be listed in any security zone to be
crooked and the Phishing scammers are constantly developing new ideas/ways to take
the unwary to the cleaners. If this is the case, the site is bogus and most likely
collected your information or directed it to an address where it's collected.

If this is not the case, please explain in a bit more detail to help others help


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

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