Restoring WordPad document



I accidently replaced information in a wordpad document
w/something I was trying to add to it. Is there anyway I
can go back & find my original document. It is not in
the recycle bin.

Rob Schneider

If I understand what you did ... you had a Word pad document. You
opened it. You changed it. You saved it. Now you want to go back to a
previous version.

No, this is not possible, unless you can get a copy of the previous
version from your backup. You do take backups of your hard disk, right?

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.



No I do not have a backup. My knowledge is very limited
when it comes to my computer. The document was not
business related but important personal stuff that is
lost to me forever. A hard lesson learned. Thanks for
the reply anyway.

Rob Schneider

Since you are new to computers, a good practice to get into the habit of
is to save key files like this with version numbers in the file name, e.g.

First time created, call it "Letter_2_George_ver1.doc" and then in
subsequent saves (use File save/as menu) "Letter_2_George_ver2.doc",
"Letter_2_George_ver3.doc, etc.

MOST importantly ... start a regime of making regular backups of, at
minimum, the key data files.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


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