Resource Only DLLs Fail to Link VC++ 7.1


John Cullen

I have uncovered an interesting problem with resource only DLLs. If I
create a project with a long name and the name includes periods ("."), the
IDE will fail to kick off the linker. The resource compiler seems to
successfully compile the .rc to a .res, but the linker never fires up. If I
force a link, the DLL will be created but will contain no resources.

An example project name that fails to link is
"My.Long.Named.Resource.Only.Project". If I rename the project to
"MyLongNamedResourceOnlyProject" or "My.Test", I get the resource only DLL
as expected.

Is this a bug in 2003?

Gary Chang

Hi John,

Thanks for posting in the community.

From my understanding that your project (resource only DLL) with a long
name (including periods".") cannot be linked, am I right?

Currently I am looking for resource to assure this problem. We will reply
here with more information as soon as possible.
If you have any more concerns on it, please feel free to post here.


Best regards,

Gary Chang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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Gary Chang

Hi John,

I consult this problem to the product team, they confirm it a uncovered
issue to the VC7.1 Linker.

Very thanks for your valuable feedback and concerns on the VC7.1 product.

Best regards,

Gary Chang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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