Resizing Photos (NOT using image resizer)



Ok, so when I want to resize a photo, I simply right click
on the photo, or the group of photos, go over to "send to"
and select "mail recipient"... now xp will pop up a message
asking if I want to make the picture smaller or keep
original size, and I select to make smaller, then an
outgoing mail window pops up with the photo's attached, and
at a much smaller size (21 kb instead of 2 mb)... then I
can copy them from the mail window back to the file
system... so what I'm asking, is there an easier way to do
this, perhaps to simply be able to right click the image
and resize it in the file system, instead of sending it to
a mail recipient and going through all that mess...

John Inzer

I guess you're running WinXP or you wouldn't
be here...right?

Go to the following link and download and
install: ImageResizer.exe

Then you can open any folder that contains
images and you will have an option to resize.
Just right click the selected image files and
choose Resize Pictures. You can select one
image or a whole group.

The program will place the resized copies in
the folder with your originals.


John Inzer
Picture It! MVP
return e-mail disabled

Picture It! Support Center

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