Resize Picture to Send Email



I need Help

Before in Windows I was able to send a photo from My Picture Folders and
windows XP ask me to reduce the size of my photos. I was using Outlook
Express, then I install Outlook 2003 and that option of windows was
disabled. I unistall Outlook and return to Outlook Express but nothing

How can I enable that feature ?

Helpp !!!


But XP includes the facility of automatically reducing picture size to send
by email.Right click the picture and choose send mail and a window appears
which gives different size options and the opens an email message with the
picture included


I am having the same problem. I do not get the window offering the option of
resizing the photos. I have downloaded the resize xppowertoy incidentally &
still no joy.

Ramesh [MVP]

This facility is provided by the Shell. Though the Image resizer Powertoy is very useful, it's not mandatory to install that. Click Start/Run and type REGSVR32 SHIMGVW.DLL

This should restore the image resize dialog when sending a picture to email.

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

I am having the same problem. I do not get the window offering the option of
resizing the photos. I have downloaded the resize xppowertoy incidentally &
still no joy.


Thank you Ramesh - did as you said the the window is restored. BUT where did
it go in the first place?
regards Puc

Ramesh [MVP]

No idea what has caused this. Missing COM registration, wrong/missing Perceived Type value, etc etc attribute to the cause, generally.

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

Thank you Ramesh - did as you said the the window is restored. BUT where did
it go in the first place?
regards Puc

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