Reset errormessage on CustomValidator




I am using a customvalidator to perform server validation of user input in webform1. When the user input has been validated, webform1 (which has the customvalidator and the user input) opens a new window (by adding a script to the web page that opens a new window by using response.write), redirects to webform2 in the new window.

If user input is invalid, the error message of the customvalidator is displayed on webform1 and there is no redirection. When the user re-enters input, presses the button and the input is valid, a new window with webform2 is opened. But the errormessage is still present in webform1. How can I make sure that the error message is removed from webform1? I wish to avoid client side scripts, as the validation is rather complicated and is best performed on server side



I have found the solution, so don't spend any time on this
Thanks for looking, anyway


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