RESET Encryption in Folder and File (Win XP Pro )


Yohanes Tjie

Dear All,

I need your help and advice for reseting the encryption
in my folder. A week a go, my computer has attact by
Trojan Virus, and make me stress to recover the windows.

In 2nd partition, i have one folder using encryption and
the certificate is not backup. When i stress, i do for re-
install my windows.

Now, the problem is : i can't open my folder and files
inside in 2nd partition.

My knoledge is very low, and i need your help...
please ..

How to decrypte without backup *.cer ... I have try to
use the same user name and password, and computer name.
But the problem still can't access that folder.

Again, please help me and thanks in advance.

Yohanes Tjie
(e-mail address removed)
Mobile : +62 855 10 800 88

Mike Brannigan [MSFT]

If you have reinstalled Windows and you did not backup your encryption
certificates then you will not be able to recover the encrypted files.


Mike Brannigan [Microsoft]

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Hi Mike,

how about if i can try to recover the 1st partition using
Get Databack ?

Which files should be extract to get certificate and what
other step should i do to get my folder to be readable
again ?


Drew Cooper [MSFT]

There are a series of keys which lived in your old user profile, each key
encrypting the next. Even if they haven't been overwritten on the disk,
they're going to be nearly impossible to find without their MFT entries -
they just look like blobs of data.

The data is gone.

If you use EFS in the future, please export your certificate and private key
(a .pfx file) and put it on removable media somewhere physically safe. That
would allow you to recover from situations like this one.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

If you can restore your original profile, you may have a chance.
Perhaps Get Databack can help as you suggested in your other post.
That will depend largely on the capabilities of Get Databack as well
as toe possibility of recovering the profile completely intact.
See this link for possibilities if you are able to restore the profile
as well as ways to prevent this in the future:

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