Required files replaced



Files required for Windows have been replaced by
unrecognized versions . . . Insert Windows XP Professioon
CD-ROM now. It was inserted. Message <The CD you provided
is the wrong CD. Please insert the into your CD-ROM Drive.
Then it states either wrong CD or CD-ROM drive in your
system is not working. I used the correct CD and the drive
was working fine.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.


Will Denny


Find the i386 folder in Windows Explorer and try pointing to that.


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

| Files required for Windows have been replaced by
| unrecognized versions . . . Insert Windows XP Professioon
| CD-ROM now. It was inserted. Message <The CD you provided
| is the wrong CD. Please insert the into your CD-ROM Drive.
| Then it states either wrong CD or CD-ROM drive in your
| system is not working. I used the correct CD and the drive
| was working fine.
| Any suggestions?
| Thank you.

Alex Nichol

CLW said:
Files required for Windows have been replaced by
unrecognized versions . . . Insert Windows XP Professioon
CD-ROM now. It was inserted. Message <The CD you provided
is the wrong CD. Please insert the into your CD-ROM Drive.
Then it states either wrong CD or CD-ROM drive in your
system is not working. I used the correct CD and the drive
was working fine.

This seems to happen when you use XP Home. What sometimes works is to
put in the CD *first* and exit from its Autorun. Then go to Start - Run
to run

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