ReportViewer and Terminal Services



I have an application with using reporting services local (rdlc). When
I run under windows, it prints fine. When I run under Terminal Services,
sometimes it takes 3 times to print. Print, and it looks like it did, but it
never appears. Notepad, office apps seem to print fine.

I was able to trace it. I click the Print button on the dialog box. I see
the print entering the print queue, but it immediately is deleted.
I print a second time, and it works.
It is reproducable under terminal services.
It works fine under normal Windows.

Bryan Phillips

If you see the job enter the print queue, the problem is not likely with
Report Viewer but with printing in general inside TS. When you connect,
is the option to map printers checked or unchecked?


That is what I thought too. I contacted terminal services group, and they
basically said it was the application, since printing was ok from notepad.
This has been going on for the last week, but I finally solved it.
It seems that reportviewer has a new update just released in the last month.
I applied that update and the problem went away...


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