Report page header every other page



Is there a way to make the page header appear on every other page?

I have a detail section with a page break in the middle. I want the page
header to appear at the top of the first page of detail, but not on the basically I don't want the page header to appear after the page
break, or I only want it to appear on odd pages.


Is there a way to make the page header appear on every other page?

I have a detail section with a page break in the middle. I want the page
header to appear at the top of the first page of detail, but not on the basically I don't want the page header to appear after the page
break, or I only want it to appear on odd pages.

One way would be to code the Page Header Format event:
Me.Section(3).Visible = Me.[Page] Mod 2 = 1

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