Report cell from Filtered lists with text

Mar 26, 2009
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Hello, I dont typically join online forums but this is sort of a desparation move and from what i've in this forum, the support is awesome. So here it goes.

I have an Excel workbook (several sheets) feeding one worksheet with report information. On lets say sheet A i have a filtered list of names. On sheet B i have one cell that i want to report a common text value on. for instance - if i want to sort my filtered list by state names in sheet A, In sheet B i would like to show the state name (in the report sheet). This would mean when i sort my filtered list on sheet A. The sheet B cell would change to show the name of the grouped set (the State). Sheet B is my report sheet.

I've been searching online. found a TON of Excel help, but nothing i find can answer this question. hope i made sense...

Thanks in advance for any assistance i can get.

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