Replacing AMD Duron with Athlon 2400?



Is it possible to replace a AMD Duron 900MHz chip with a AMD Athlon 2400?

I have an old Motherboard I want to upgrade.

Will Dormann

Dave said:
Is it possible to replace a AMD Duron 900MHz chip with a AMD Athlon 2400?

I have an old Motherboard I want to upgrade.

Most of us aren't psychic here, so you may want to post what the "old
Motherboard" model is.

Rob Stow

Will said:
Most of us aren't psychic here, so you may want to post what the "old
Motherboard" model is.

There are a lot of "old motherboards" around here that I have
done upgrades like with, including very common models like the
ECS K7S5A, and the Asus A7N, A7V, and A8N lines. So long as your
motherboard has an nForce, nForce2, KT266A, or KT400 chipset I
think the odds are in your favour. Other chipsets may work just
as well - I just can't recall having done that kind of cpu
upgrade with them.

The most recent similar upgrade I did was going from a Duron 1300
to an Athlon 2400 on an Asus A7N266-VM.


OK thanks. I can check the MB chipsets out.

I don't know the MB type right now, its about 2 years old. It could be a ECS


Dave said:
Is it possible to replace a AMD Duron 900MHz chip with a AMD
Athlon 2400?

I have an old Motherboard I want to upgrade.

what motherboard ? it is possible to replace it with a cheaper sempron
(loosing some mhz, but the price is a killer)


Yousuf Khan

Dave said:
OK thanks. I can check the MB chipsets out.

I don't know the MB type right now, its about 2 years old. It could be a ECS

If you're not sure, then what you can do is powerdown the machine, power
it up again, and press "pause" key at the memory count. Somewhere on
that screen you should see the name of the motherboard manufacturer and
model in there.

Yousuf Khan

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