replacement CD needed



I have an XP PRO w/SP2 CD. Went to use it today, stuck it in the laptop
drive wrong and ended up scratching it lightly. Upon using the CD to
repair a Windows installation I got a 'cyclical redundancy error'. Seems
the scratches, though light, might have messed it up!

How can I go about obtaining a replacement?



none said:
I have an XP PRO w/SP2 CD. Went to use it today, stuck it in the laptop
drive wrong and ended up scratching it lightly. Upon using the CD to
repair a Windows installation I got a 'cyclical redundancy error'. Seems
the scratches, though light, might have messed it up!

How can I go about obtaining a replacement?

How to Replace Lost, Broken, or Missing Microsoft Software or Hardware -;en-us;326246


R. McCarty

One possible solution is to take it to a "Game Store". Most of them
have a professional machine that can polish/burnish the surface of a
CD/DVD to make it usable. You might also contact Microsoft about
a disk replacement.


none said:
I have an XP PRO w/SP2 CD. Went to use it today, stuck it in the
laptop drive wrong and ended up scratching it lightly. Upon using the
CD to repair a Windows installation I got a 'cyclical redundancy
error'. Seems the scratches, though light, might have messed it up!

How can I go about obtaining a replacement?


If it is a Retail version then Microsoft, if it is an OEM version (eg HP,
Dell, Compaq etc) then contact the maker of the laptop.

How to replace Microsoft software or hardware, order service packs and
product upgrades,
or replace product manuals;en-us;326246


Thanks for the replies guys!
On the issue of possibly polishing; is there a 'home remedy' for doing
If I have to replace the CD might as well try polishing it!


none said:
Thanks for the replies guys!
On the issue of possibly polishing; is there a 'home remedy' for doing
If I have to replace the CD might as well try polishing it!

Most computer or electronic stores should carry a cd cleaner/polisher

I've used them many times with good results to get lightly scratched cd's to
work again...

If you do manage to get it to work...make a copy of it

R. McCarty

There are kits to do it, but it might be an expensive purchase to just
try and fix a single disk. Some kits just have solution and cloth/pad
others have a spindle with a crank that applies polishing to the disk
under pressure. The problem with the hand crank is trying to get the
full surface area polished with a consistent pressure. ( Can end up w/
patterns in the surface, not a smooth reflective look ). You can find
them at Office Supply, Best Buy and even discounters like Target &

Bruce Chambers

none said:
I have an XP PRO w/SP2 CD. Went to use it today, stuck it in the laptop
drive wrong and ended up scratching it lightly. Upon using the CD to
repair a Windows installation I got a 'cyclical redundancy error'. Seems
the scratches, though light, might have messed it up!

How can I go about obtaining a replacement?


If it was a retail license and you have proof of purchase:

How to Replace Lost, Broken, or Missing Microsoft Software or Hardware;en-us;326246

If it was an OEM license, you should contact the computer's


Bruce Chambers

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killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot


none said:
I have an XP PRO w/SP2 CD. Went to use it today, stuck it in the laptop
drive wrong and ended up scratching it lightly. Upon using the CD to
repair a Windows installation I got a 'cyclical redundancy error'. Seems
the scratches, though light, might have messed it up!

How can I go about obtaining a replacement?

Get a replacement CD from your computer maker.


1st, thanks for the many helpful comments!

Went looking through some old notes on polishing plastic (like watch
crystals etc) and found a couple more POSSIBLE solutions which were not
mentioned here:

1. BRASSO metal polish
tried it on a test CD ... saw scratches from buffing, perhaps the cloth
used was not soft enough
2. of all things, Lemon Pledge (yes, the one your wife uses for
polishing furniture)
my note said to spray it, let sit for one minute, polish

Used Pledge, buffed with a soft cloth lightly and it cleaned the disk
real nice. Not all the scratches came out but the disk looked much
better. Following philo's suggestion to 'make a copy' I immediately
tried copying the whole thing to HDD. It worked!

Then I tried installing XP to a drive (just a test install) and all went
well .... so, it got me to wondering if the 'cyclical redundancy error'
was due to a bad CD *OR* the new (untested) DVD writer I just bought!
Does anyone know if that error could be attributed to the DVD not
reading properly? (the error message MS displayed gave no indication it
was a CD-ROM drive read problem)


Vic said:
1st, thanks for the many helpful comments!

Went looking through some old notes on polishing plastic (like watch
crystals etc) and found a couple more POSSIBLE solutions which were not
mentioned here:

1. BRASSO metal polish
tried it on a test CD ... saw scratches from buffing, perhaps the cloth
used was not soft enough
2. of all things, Lemon Pledge (yes, the one your wife uses for polishing
my note said to spray it, let sit for one minute, polish

Toothpaste is another....


Then I tried installing XP to a drive (just a test install) and all went
well .... so, it got me to wondering if the 'cyclical redundancy error'
was due to a bad CD *OR* the new (untested) DVD writer I just bought!
Does anyone know if that error could be attributed to the DVD not
reading properly? (the error message MS displayed gave no indication it
was a CD-ROM drive read problem)

I have a drive that was only a few months old. The drive would read
anything, install anything just fine. I was trying to copy some dvds
and kept getting crc errors.
"Everybody" said it was my media, but trying ten different dvds made no

New drive, no problems.


ut oh!

That's just what I DIDN'T want to hear! Bought this drive new, (it's
expensive too) off ebay and don't think it will be covered under
warranty! Will have to test the drive.

Thanks for your input Wally!

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