Repeater question. Textboxes lose info



I have a repeater with controls added at run time. the <template> also
contains a <asp:textbox that is made visible on some repeater

when I come to read the text info out it has disapeared. The read is
done on a button click.

I can read the selected items from the other controls in the repeater,

demo page here

Select some answers and write some text, you will see at the top some
numbers relating to what question you selected the "OTHER=" will
always be blank where it should be the text box contents.

The code is a bit (over) complex so if you have questions, or can see
how to do somthing better then please rip it appart :)

<%@ Control Language="VB" Inherits="ASPNetPortal.PortalModuleControl"
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Portal" TagName="Title"
Src="~/DesktopModuleTitle.ascx" %>
<%@ import Namespace="ASPNetPortal" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<script runat="server">

' The Page_Load event handler on this User Control is
used to
' obtain a DataSet of Question information from the
'Question table, and ' then databind the results to a templated
' server control. It uses the ASPNetPortal.QuestionDB()
' data component to encapsulate all data functionality.

Dim Questions As New ASPNetPortal.QuestionDB()

'ID for person entered in database
Dim respondentID as Integer

Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As


If not Page.IsPostBack Then
end if

End Sub

sub QuestionListDataBound(Sender As Object, e As

If (e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item) Or _
(e.Item.ItemType =
ListItemType.AlternatingItem) Then

dim datasrc as new DataSet
datasrc = Questions.GetAnswersbyQuestion(
DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "itemID"))

select Case DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem,

case "radio" :
dim lab as new radiobuttonlist
lab.datasource = datasrc
' lab.RepeatDirection="0" '"0" for l/r "1"
for up/down.

case "checkbox" :
dim lab as new checkboxlist
lab.datasource = datasrc

end select
' loop through items to see if any are "other". if so
display other box.

Dim dt as DataTable = datasrc.Tables(0)
Dim row as DataRow

Dim i as Integer = 0

For Each row in dt.Rows

If cStr(row("Answer")).ToUpper = "OTHER" then
i += 1
End If


if i > 0
end if

end if

end sub

sub submit_click(sender As Object, e As

'Add a person to the database.
dim respondentID as Integer
respondentID = Questions.addRespondent(moduleId
,now().gethashcode , true , Context.User.Identity.Name , now())

'get list of stuff in repeater
'go through each in list
' read out checked item(or items)
'read out "other" string
' enter all into DB

dim reptitem as RepeaterItem
For Each reptitem In QuestionList.items

If (reptitem.ItemType = ListItemType.Item) Or _
(reptitem.ItemType =
ListItemType.AlternatingItem) Then

dim i as integer = 0
dim ph as Placeholder
ph =

dim Listx as System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl
Listx = ctype(ph.controls(0),

' list through each item in the list to see if it is
dim lstItem As ListItem

For Each lstItem In listx.Items

If lstItem.Selected Then

' list the selected item

'Enter "lstItem.Text" into the database
i= Questions.AddResponse(lstItem.value ,

End If
if ctype(Questionlist.items.item(reptItem.itemindex).findcontrol
("otherpanel"), panel).visible=true and i>0

response.write(lstItem.value &" i=" & i &" other="
& ctype(Questionlist.items.item(reptItem.itemindex).findcontrol
("otherTb"), textbox).text & " | ")
("otherTb"), textbox).text)

end if
end if


' response.redirect("")
end sub

<portal:title EditText="Add New Question"
EditUrl="~/DesktopModules/awsurvey/Question_Edit.aspx" runat="server"
<asp:repeater id="QuestionList" runat="server"
onitemdatabound="QuestionListDataBound" >
<h2><b>Travel to work survey.</b>
<table border="0">
<asp:HyperLink id= "editLink"
ImageUrl="~/images/edit.gif" NavigateUrl='<%#
"~/DesktopModules/awsurvey/Question_Edit.aspx?ItemID=" &
DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ItemID") & "&mid=" & ModuleId
%>' Visible= "<%# IsEditable %>" runat= "server" />
<span class="normal">Q<%#
Container.dataitem("questionNo") %></span></td>
<span class="normal" style="font-size:1.1em;"><%#
Container.dataitem("question") %> </span></td>
<td rowspan="2">
<span class="normal" style="font-size:0.7em;
color:blue;"> <%# Container.dataitem("Instruction") %> </span></td>
<asp:placeHolder id="ph1" runat="server" />
<asp:panel id="otherPanel" runat="server"
<span class="normal">(please specify) </span>
<asp:textbox id="otherTb" runat="server" />
<br />
<asp:button id="submit" runat="server" text="Submit Survey"
onclick="submit_click" />
'button to test simple post back, keeps the textbox loses the
<asp:button id="false" runat="server" text="pressme"/>


I have a repeater with controls added at run time. the <template> also
contains a <asp:textbox that is made visible on some repeater

when I come to read the text info out it has disapeared. The read is
done on a button click.

I can read the selected items from the other controls in the repeater,

demo page here

Select some answers and write some text, you will see at the top some
numbers relating to what question you selected the "OTHER=" will
always be blank where it should be the text box contents.

The code is a bit (over) complex so if you have questions, or can see
how to do somthing better then please rip it appart :)

<snip code >[email protected]

I knew posting 4 pages of code would scare people off ;)

so here is the thing

I have dynamicaly added controls in a repeater, either checkbox or
radiobox. on the click of a button i spool throuhg all the answers to
see if they are checked or not. This works

In the repeater I also have a text box, that i want to save the
entered text from.

when I click the button the page posts back *and i rebind the repeater
to the data source* if i dont do this then the controls are not
created and the values cannot be read. HOWEVER on the databind the
text boxes are cleared. I am unsure how the checkboxes remmeber there
status through the bind. but I do know that i must bind to get it to

If i do a simple postback with no binding then the textboxes remeber
there values, but no checkboxes are displayed

is there any way i can "cashe" teh repeaters data so it survives the
postback without needing to be re-bound to the data source?



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