Repeat Expression using code



I have the following code running from a button on a form. It works for the
current record and then moves to the next record, but the user has to click
the button again and so on. How can I make this code run through every record
on the form until the field [Forms]![frmInvoiceReceived]![ItemNo] Is Null?

Private Sub CopyInvoiceNumberToAllChecked_Click()
With CodeContextObject
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If (.VendorWasPaid Like "-1") Then
Forms!frmInvoiceReceived!InvoiceNumber =
End If
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRefresh
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNext
End With
End Sub

Thanks so much for your help!


You can either use an update query to update all the records, or use this
code to update all the reords displayed in the form

Dim I As Integer
' Move to the first record
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
' Create a loop for all the records
For I = 1 To Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount
' Your code
' Move to the next record
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Next I


Thank you. I tried the code and get the message "Compile Error: Next without
For." This is what I have:

Private Sub CopyInvoiceNumberToAllChecked_Click()

Dim I As Integer
'Move to the first record
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
'Create a loop for all the records
For I = 1 To Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount
With CodeContextObject
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If (.VendorWasPaid Like "-1") Then
Forms!frmInvoiceReceived!InvoiceNumber =
End If
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRefresh
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNext

Next I

End With
End Sub

Ofer Cohen said:
You can either use an update query to update all the records, or use this
code to update all the reords displayed in the form

Dim I As Integer
' Move to the first record
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
' Create a loop for all the records
For I = 1 To Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount
' Your code
' Move to the next record
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Next I

Good Luck

Emmy said:
I have the following code running from a button on a form. It works for the
current record and then moves to the next record, but the user has to click
the button again and so on. How can I make this code run through every record
on the form until the field [Forms]![frmInvoiceReceived]![ItemNo] Is Null?

Private Sub CopyInvoiceNumberToAllChecked_Click()
With CodeContextObject
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If (.VendorWasPaid Like "-1") Then
Forms!frmInvoiceReceived!InvoiceNumber =
End If
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRefresh
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNext
End With
End Sub

Thanks so much for your help!

Lynn Trapp

Your Next I statement is inside your With statement and thus you are
confusing Access. Try this

For I = 1 To Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount
With CodeContextObject
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If (.VendorWasPaid Like "-1") Then
Forms!frmInvoiceReceived!InvoiceNumber =
End If
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRefresh
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNext

End With
Next I

Thank you. I tried the code and get the message "Compile Error: Next without
For." This is what I have:

Private Sub CopyInvoiceNumberToAllChecked_Click()

Dim I As Integer
'Move to the first record
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
'Create a loop for all the records
For I = 1 To Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount
With CodeContextObject
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If (.VendorWasPaid Like "-1") Then
Forms!frmInvoiceReceived!InvoiceNumber =
End If
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRefresh
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNext

Next I

End With
End Sub

Ofer Cohen said:
You can either use an update query to update all the records, or use this
code to update all the reords displayed in the form

Dim I As Integer
' Move to the first record
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
' Create a loop for all the records
For I = 1 To Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount
' Your code
' Move to the next record
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Next I

Good Luck

Emmy said:
I have the following code running from a button on a form. It works for the
current record and then moves to the next record, but the user has to click
the button again and so on. How can I make this code run through every record
on the form until the field [Forms]![frmInvoiceReceived]![ItemNo] Is Null?

Private Sub CopyInvoiceNumberToAllChecked_Click()
With CodeContextObject
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If (.VendorWasPaid Like "-1") Then
Forms!frmInvoiceReceived!InvoiceNumber =
End If
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRefresh
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNext
End With
End Sub

Thanks so much for your help!

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