Renaming File Removes Worksheets



A user in my organization has renamed one of her Excel files. Subsequently,
the first worksheet in her file appears to be renamed to the new file name
and none of her other worksheets are listed at the bottom of the application
window. Pressing Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDn do not shift between worksheets as
Excel thinks there is only one.

Are there any possible ways of recovering these lost worksheets without
resorting to an Excel recovery tool such as R-Excel Recovery or XLS


sounds as though she has saved it as a CSV or TXT file, meaning that you may
be lucky enough to find the original XLS file in its original location.
Saving it in one of these formats requires the user to acknowledge that Excel
will only save the active sheet, so it wasn't a complete *accident*.
Meanwhile, Excel doesn't overwrite the XLS file with new file, either, so
take a look for it


Dustin D. Cook said:

sounds as though she has saved it as a CSV or TXT file, meaning that you may
be lucky enough to find the original XLS file in its original location.

Your response led me to the solution. She had never saved the file as an
Excel workbook. She was working on data exported from another source into a
CSV file and was unaware CSV did not support multiple worksheets. When she
finally closed Excel and re-opened the file the worksheets were not there
because they had never been saved - not because the file was renamed.

Thank you for your prompt response. Have a nice day.

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