Removing Menu Option in VBA ( grey one out ) ?



Tracking Changes ?
I am after the workaround for the disabling of tracking changes b
anyone other than me.

I presume ( and yes since I learnt this method I love it ) I can us
the Environment settings...


Sub MeOnlyTrackChanges()
If Environ("Fullname") <> "My Name Here" then Exit sub
Elseif: <grey out the menu option for track changes here VBA COD
needed >
End Sub

I am presuming this is possible - hence the way I think I am trying t
explain is that if any other user name opens the form then the men
item for track changes is still there but just not available fo
selection ( greyed out ! ) ... I just dont happen to know the code fo
it to be honest but I am trying to improve my VBA Skills somewhat

If someone could check to see if the above will work and possibley le
me know what the missing code would be I would be very appreciative
Thank you


sussed it out ! ;0)

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
With Application.CommandBars("Tools")
.Controls.Item("Track Changes").Enabled = False
End With
End Su

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