Removing Hypertext properties from many cells



I'm copying a table from a web page. Many of the cells are "hot" in
that they link to javascript functions such as allowing one to sort
the table using a particular column or to link to a more detailed page
for each row. I'd like to simply remove the hypertext properties.

I tried copying the entire table and then use Paste Special -> Values
but that doesn't work. It's very tedious to go through the entire
table cell-by-cell and clicking on the little hyperlink icon and then
clicking on Remove Link to remove the hyperlink atributes.

Is there a better way?



I'm copying a table from a web page. Many of the cells are "hot" in
that they link to javascript functions such as allowing one to sort
the table using a particular column or to link to a more detailed page
for each row. I'd like to simply remove the hypertext properties.

I tried copying the entire table and then use Paste Special -> Values
but that doesn't work. It's very tedious to go through the entire
table cell-by-cell and clicking on the little hyperlink icon and then
clicking on Remove Link to remove the hyperlink atributes.

Is there a better way?


I'm sorry, I should have searched better before I asked. I found this
link that worked.


Hi Mike,

Just to add a little bit here, the Paste Special method you
mentioned doesn't involve Values.

The way to do it is copy a blank cell.
Then select your data.
Then Paste Special>Add

Ensure that the cell you copy is a fresh untouched cell,
not a cell that has previously held data or formats
that have been deleted.


I'm copying a table from a web page. Many of the cells are "hot" in
that they link to javascript functions such as allowing one to sort
the table using a particular column or to link to a more detailed page
for each row. I'd like to simply remove the hypertext properties.

I tried copying the entire table and then use Paste Special -> Values
but that doesn't work. It's very tedious to go through the entire
table cell-by-cell and clicking on the little hyperlink icon and then
clicking on Remove Link to remove the hyperlink atributes.

Is there a better way?


I'm sorry, I should have searched better before I asked. I found this
link that worked.

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