Remove row & column headers



How do you remove the column and row titles? I'm wanting to create a form and
not show the row numbers or column letters....can anyone help please.


Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Select Tools/Options from Excel's menu bar, click the View tab and uncheck
the "Row & column headers" box in the "Windows options" panel; then click



Thanks Rick, I've tried what you said but when looking for the "rows &
column's" header I couldn't find it!!! I also tried to look in the
"customise" section and the command wasn't there either! Do I have to upgrade
my 2003 version of excel?

Bob I

Click Tools, then Options.

Thanks Rick, I've tried what you said but when looking for the "rows &
column's" header I couldn't find it!!! I also tried to look in the
"customise" section and the command wasn't there either! Do I have to upgrade
my 2003 version of excel?


Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

This webpage shows a picture of the View Tab on the Tools/Options dialog box
that you should have been looking at...

Look to the **bottom** area of the panel where there are three columns of
checkboxes (in a section labeled "Window options")... the top item in the
middle column in that section is labeled "Rows & column headers" (the
highlight box pointing to it has the words "Display Headings" in it)... that
is the check box I said you need to uncheck.



Thanks Rick...I found it.

Can you tell me how to add an email and print button to the form?

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

You would get the maximum possible number of answers if you would create a
new posting (new thread) for questions having nothing to do with the
original thread. When you do this, explain what you mean be "form". Is that
a worksheet made to look like an input form or are you talking about a
UserForm? If the worksheet, do you want the buttons on the grid itself or
would buttons on the toolbar be acceptable? You might also want to provide
more details on where the email address is to come from (a cell, InputBox
entry, etc.) and, for the print button request, why wouldn't your user
simply use the File/Print option on the menu bar?


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