remove filter on a form when closing



Hi All,
I have form "frmRecipes" that can be called from two different places: from
a button on a form named "frmUserRecipes" and from a button on the main

From "frmUserRecipes" I use this code to take me to a specific record:
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmRecipes", acNormal, ,
This works fine.

If I use the button on the switchboard I get prompted for
"Forms!frmUserRecipes!OLDRNUM" when "frmRecipes" opens. I need it to open on
the first record in this instance - no filter.

I've added an OnClose event to "frmRecipes" and typed Me.FilterOn = False. I
also tried Me.Filer = "". Both times AX07 gives me an error and shuts down.
I aslo changed "Filter on load" to NO and this also shuts down access.

Can anyone help?


For the WhereCondition of the OpenForm method concatenate the value of the
control into the expression, rather than referencing it in the literal
string. If FoodCode is a number data type:

"FoodCode=" & Forms!frmUserRecipes!OLDRNUM

If it’s a text data type:

"FoodCode=""" & Forms!frmUserRecipes!OLDRNUM & """"

Provided the FilterOn property is False when you open the form via the
switchboard, which it should be by default, you should have no problem as
there is now no need for the form to evaluate the parameter

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

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