Removal of Windows 98



I have both Windows XP and 98 installed on an older Sony laptop. How do I
remove Windows 98? I have very little disk space available.

Ian D

Gambo said:
I have both Windows XP and 98 installed on an older Sony laptop. How do I
remove Windows 98? I have very little disk space available.

You didn't say if XP and 98 are in separate partitions. If they
are, boot into XP and delete the Win98 Windows and Program
Files directories. Copy anything you want to keep from the
Win98 Documents and Settings directory, and delete that
also. Edit the XP boot.ini file to delete the Win98 reference,
and in System, untick the OS display time box in startup settings.
Also, delete the Win98 page file. After you're done, defragment
the old Win98 partition to consolidate some of the free space.

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