Remote Shutdown



This may or may not be Off topic, but here goes anyway.

Is there a way for a computer on the network tell a embedded device to close
a certain application via Send Message.

Here is the game plan. Our embedded devices are not on the network,
however, we do maintenance to them via a cross-over cable and a laptop.

We would like to connect the ethernet cable, then launch a custom
application on the Laptop. This application on the laptop would then
shutdown our custom application on the target device. Allow any
configuration changes, then Commit the EWF and force the target to reboot.

Currently, we are doing all this via Remote Desktop, but I'd rather do it
totally from the techs Laptop if possible.

Does send message work across networks?



This may or may not be Off topic, but here goes anyway.

Is there a way for a computer on the network tell a embedded device to close a certain application via Send Message.

Why don't you just use a remote tool. Like PsExec or PsKill from
Here is the game plan. Our embedded devices are not on the network, however, we do maintenance to them via a cross-over cable and
a laptop.

We would like to connect the ethernet cable, then launch a custom application on the Laptop. This application on the laptop would
then shutdown our custom application on the target device. Allow any configuration changes, then Commit the EWF and force the
target to reboot.

Have you throught of DUA running on your XPe image?
Currently, we are doing all this via Remote Desktop, but I'd rather do it totally from the techs Laptop if possible.

Does send message work across networks?

No, it does not. But there is a bunch of documented ways to have over network communications, peer to peer or client-server, between
two machines, starting from IP level, through winsock, up to DCOM, MSMQ and etc.



Thanks KM,
That is what I was looking for. I also found one called Beyond which works
very well.

Thanks again,

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