Remote Procedure Call (RPC)


David D

I have a new computer and am using Windows XP Professional
and Internet Explorer. Why do I keep getting a (RPC)
Remote Procedure Call that then proceeds to shut me down
from the internet?

Chris Holden

David D said:
I have a new computer and am using Windows XP Professional
and Internet Explorer. Why do I keep getting a (RPC)
Remote Procedure Call that then proceeds to shut me down
from the internet?

You most likely have the blaster worm. When the shutdown countdown starts go
to: Start> run> type 'shutdown -a' without the quotes. Hit okay. Do it again
should the countdown start again during the process. Then go Start> control
panel> network connections> select your internet connection and right click
it. Select properties. Click the advanced tab and tick the 'protect this...'
box. Hit okay until the boxes disappear. Now go to
and read the page. Download the fixblast.exe (link about half way down that
page). Run it. When your machine is clean, go to and
download all the recommended fixes.


David D said:
I have a new computer and am using Windows XP Professional
and Internet Explorer. Why do I keep getting a (RPC)
Remote Procedure Call that then proceeds to shut me down
from the internet?

I think vendors should be open to charges of negligence in that they don't
a) tell buyers about this and b) install the patches before they sell!


You have the blaster worm and are infected because you connected to the internet before downloading all the MS updates. It's happened to just about everyone on this site so put Remote Procedure Call in the search part of the newsgroup and up will come all the answers on how to get rid of it. Microsofts's Knowledge Base has a number of articles on Blaster too and you can go to McAfee or Norton to get an explanation but the first thing to do is enable your Internet Connection Firewall, run your antivirus software, run a bot and worm destroyer, and download all the MS Patches by going to Windows update in Xp. Here are 2 places to start to get some information.

Good luck.

Tom Pepper Willett

Rifleman: Dell is now installing the blaster patch on new systems it ships.

| | > I have a new computer and am using Windows XP Professional
| > and Internet Explorer. Why do I keep getting a (RPC)
| > Remote Procedure Call that then proceeds to shut me down
| > from the internet?
| > ....DD
| I think vendors should be open to charges of negligence in that they don't
| a) tell buyers about this and b) install the patches before they sell!

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

If you connected the PC to the Internet without having first
installed the KB824146 Hotfix, without having first installed an
antivirus application with current virus definition files, and before
enabling a firewall, you're very likely to get infected from any of
the thousands of PCs on the Internet that are constantly broadcasting
the Blaster and/or Welchia worms. It only takes a few seconds of

To stay on-line long enough to get the necessary updates, patches,
and removal tools, click Start > Run, and enter "shutdown -a" when the
next RPC countdown begins. This will abort the shut down. Also, make
sure you've enabled a firewall before starting, to preclude any more
intrusions while getting the updates/patches/tools.

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-39

What You Should Know About the Blaster Worm

W32.Blaster.Worm a.k.a. W32/Lovesan.Worm

W32.Blaster.Worm Removal Tool

W32.Welchia.Worm a.k.a. W32/Nachi.Worm

W32.Welchia.Worm Removal Tool

McAfee AVERT Stinger

Bruce Chambers
Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH


Tom Pepper Willett said:
Rifleman: Dell is now installing the blaster patch on new systems it ships.

Good news! But do they also tell buyers about firewalls and AV progs?

Tom Pepper Willett

They have information on their site, buried under Customer Care FAQs, Hints
& Tips. But, very difficult to find. And, if you don't know to even look
for it, you wouldn't look for it.


Its only me

Although I'm not affected by this problem, could someone tell me HOW I could
possibly download and install hotfixes and patches WITHOUT first connecting
to the internet?

Chris Holden

Its only me said:
Although I'm not affected by this problem, could someone tell me HOW I could
possibly download and install hotfixes and patches WITHOUT first connecting
to the internet?

LOL good question!
Of course, you don't, because you can't. You should, however, make sure the
Windows XP firewall is on (as described previously in this thread) before
you go on line, as this will stop you being infected immediately. Then make
your first stop Windows Update...
Now the only problem is to ensure people know this before they go on line to
find it out the hard way!

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Oh, goodie. As if we weren't already seeing it several times a
day. I'm frankly surprised that there are still people on this planet
who have _not_ heard of Blaster and Welchia. How can so many people
live completely beyond the reach of radio, television, newspapers, and
magazines, and still have Internet access? And if they have Internet
access, why don't they use it to keep themselves informed of the world
around them? It boggles the mind.

Bruce Chambers
Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

Joan Archer

It could be that people are so excited about getting this brand new system
and wanting to try it out that security goes out the window <g>

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